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Friday, February 15, 2013

Liebster Award

So for the second week in a row, I was tagged in something that pushes my planned post back. I will probably end up posting that one tomorrow, so it's really no big deal. The amazing Paige Lollie nominated me for the Liebster Award. She, like me is a young writer and wants to get into publishing. If you find any of that interesting, follow her. I know I do.

The Rules of the Liebster Award:

1) Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to that person's blog.
2) Ask eleven questions posted by the presenter, ask your nominees eleven questions, and list eleven random facts about yourself.
3) Nominate eleven bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have less than 200 followers.
4) Post this award on your blog

Since I don't know eleven blogs that have less than 200 followers, if you read this then you can consider yourself nominated. Comment and I will link to your blog in this post.

Ok so my eleven random facts:

1. I write across genres. In the back wings I currently have an NA mystery, NA clockworkpunk, and YA fantasy. There are others, but those are the one most on my mind.
2. I am a total chocoholic. If you love me send me chocolate.
3. I read almost anything except horror.
4. Sherlock, Supernatural, and Doctor Who are my favorite shows
5. Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O are my role models
6.  I love to knit
7. I have arthritis
8. My dream is to become a popular enough writer where people will write fanfiction based on my work
9. I speak a little French and am trying to become fluent
10. I can't swim
11. I listen to almost any kind of music

Paige asked:

1) What was the first job you've had? What job do you have now?

My first job was working at a college bookstore and a math tutor (they were at the same time). Currently I am an intern at a small publishing house.

2) What is your biggest weakness?
My biggest weakness is over editing. It makes it difficult for me to write because my mind wants to revise.

3) What are your top three favorite foods?
Pasta, escargot, and goat cheese

4) Who or what is your biggest inspiration with writing?
Many of my plots and characters come to me as I am falling asleep. S I guess sleep inspires me. With other authors, Tamora Pierce. I love her books.
5) In a story, would you be the main protagonist, the damsel, the villain, the side-kick, or the background character? Why?
I would rather be the background character. I am not one to want to be in the forefront. Just let me do the background work.
6) Where do you hope to be in five years?
Five years from now I want to have my Masters in Publishing and working as an Editorial Assistant at a publishing house.
7) Who is your dream girl/boy?
I don't really have a dream person. As long as they are intelligent, funny, and enjoy some of the same things as me, then we would be okay.
8) Confidence booster time! What are five good/positive/amazing things about yourself?
Hmmm I think I am creative, intelligent, a good baker, good knitter, and I can remember almost every movie I've ever seen and book I've read.

9) What is your favorite holiday and why?
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I love spending all day cooking with my family and even better eating it all!
10) When and what made you realize you wanted to write?
I;ve always known I wanted to write. I figured I would have other jobs and never expected to make a living off of it, but as long as I got to share my work I would be happy.

11) Quick! The world is under attack! What is the weapon you go for, real or fictional?
Can I have the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter or the Ring of Invisibility from Lord of the Rings? Really I just want to hide until it's over.

My Questions for you dear readers:

1. What skill do you wish you had?
2. What is the first thing you remember writing?
3. What fictional character do you identify with the most?
4. Who is your favorite author?
5. What is your dream job (other than being a writer)?
6. If you could only write one genre forever, what would it be?
7. Outline or fly by your pants?
8. If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
9. Where is your favorite place to write?
10. What kind of movie is your life (romance, comedy, tragedy, etc.)?
11. What would you name your memoirs?


  1. So much in common from your 11 list. I'm a noob Dr. Who fan, write across many genres (but usually in the broad category of fantasy), don't do horror, would love to be fanficked, can't swim "I only dog paddle", listen to music all over the place, and je parle un peu de francais aussi!

    Yours was fun, wish I'd thought to let people claim the spots like you did. I decreased mine to five people with under 200 followers instead.

    So, to play along and answer your fun questions...wow that's a lot of questions hehe...

    1. What skill do you wish you had?
    Reliable skill in visual arts for designing book covers, or at least drawing what I see in my head with ease.

    2. What is the first thing you remember writing?
    A Harlequin Shadows series idea about a fallen angel and the man she failed to protect and falls in love with his reincarnation (he was murdered by my friend Steve in the prologue, you know, for kicks, hey we were seventh graders, cut me some slack).

    3. What fictional character do you identify with the most?
    Hermione. I'm still amazed that answer is so immediate. I identify with others too...maybe add a bit more Luna Lovegood and have her choose Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor. Seriously, Harry Potter? Yup, out of every adult thing I've ever read...Harry Potter.

    4. Who is your favorite author?
    Mercedes Lackey and Marion Zimmer Bradley...probably also JK Rowling, we'll see after her next series.

    5. What is your dream job (other than being a writer)?
    Voice Acting! Yes, in all its awkward "acting by yourself" moments. Maybe a singer instead...or both!

    6. If you could only write one genre forever, what would it be?
    Fantasy, but I'm afraid my fantasy cheats as I can't help but include so many other genre elements (romance, drama, mystery, etc) in it.

    7. Outline or fly by your pants?
    Both, but more improv than outlined

    8. If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
    This was never an easy question for me...as lame as it may sound, I'd choose any of my foremothers I've heard so much about but never got to meet.

    9. Where is your favorite place to write?
    Out in nature, somewhere cozy and cut off from the hustle and bustle of life.

    10. What kind of movie is your life (romance, comedy, tragedy, etc.)?
    All of the above. Yeah, I'm probably one of those movies that has you popping corn in your mouth one moment, laughing out loud before biting down on an unexpected sob and then going awww before wondering what the heck is wrong with me and just look behind you, the killer is RIGHT THERE...oh wait...not that part, no slasher flicks (*knock on wood*).

    11. What would you name your memoirs?
    Broken Pieces of Me after a PTSD poem I wrote.

    I wonder what your answers are to your own questions. Also, love your item request for the world being under attack. No one ring for me though, you can keep your preciouses and all the troubles it causes, I'll take the invisibility cloak though <3

    1. Omg you are my new best friend. Hermione would be my answer too! Fantasy would be my chosen genre and I love Mercedes Lackey. I can't wait to finish reading through your blog.
